Unimate provides daily relaxation,
productivity, and pleasure through a blend of
nutritious bioactive ingredients
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Unicity Balance utilises a whole fibre
matrix to maintain your body's balance,
promoting overall equilibrium.
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Losing Weight

Unicity products support weight loss by providing essential nutrients and promoting metabolic health, helping individuals achieve their desired weight goals.

Belly Fat

Unicity aids in reducing abdominal fat by targeting metabolism and promoting the utilisation of stored fat for energy, leading to a slimmer waistline.

Blood Sugar Levels

They help regulate blood sugar levels by promoting insulin sensitivity and supporting glucose metabolism, managing diabetes and preventing blood sugar spikes.

High Cholestrol

Our products lower cholesterol levels by stimulating healthy lipids and reducing the accumulation of LDL cholesterol, contributing to cardiovascular health.

Fatigue / Lack Of Energy

Both products, Unimate & Balance, provide vital nutrients and energy-boosting compounds to combat fatigue, enhancing vitality and improving energy levels.

Body Aches & Pain

Unicity products soothe body aches and pains by reducing any inflammation, supporting joint health, and enhancing general mobility and comfort.

Blood Pressure

Our products help regulate blood pressure by boosting cardiovascular health and improving blood vessel function, contributing to optimal blood pressure levels.


Unicity assists in managing PCOS symptoms by enabling hormonal balance and sustaining reproductive health, helping individuals with PCOS achieve better outcomes.


Unicity products help relieve eczema symptoms by glorifying skin health from within, reducing inflammation and supporting the skin’s natural barrier function.


Unicity aids in managing psoriasis symptoms by reinforcing immune function, reducing inflammation, and nurturing skin healing and regeneration.

Fatty Liver

Unicity assists in improving fatty liver by facilitating liver health and supporting detoxification processes, aiding in reducing liver fat accumulation.

Insulin Resistance

Unicity helps combat insulin resistance by stimulating insulin sensitivity, supporting glucose metabolism, and helping manage diabetes and metabolic disorders.

Male Dysfunction

Our products support male sexual health by promoting circulation, hormone balance, and complete vitality, helping in addressing issues related to male dysfunction.

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